The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


Back from a self-induced hiatus, I think...

The word of the day is "hiatus."

Just kidding.

Anyway, it's been too damn long, almost 3 weeks since I blogged. So, here goes. I've been spending most of my time on Facebook, believe it or not. I've been playing their application "Wrestler", and it's fun. Addicting, and a little corny, but hey, so be it. What I just discovered now, is Facebook can import notes from here on to my account there, so what I write here will eventually end up on facebook, through the program itself, so the wonders of computers continues to amaze me. :)

Ok, enough stalling. Any member of the Palace Project Boards knows some of the medical conditions I am dealing with, and when you deal with those conditions, things can tend to get a little to a lot more difficult to complete than the average everyday ordinary joe. That is more than sufficiently the case with me, as my motivation to write, to be a part of the message board, to talk, hell, to create, has been literally almost null and non-existent. That, combineed with a stress level that would make that same ordinary joe die of shock, and frankly, I'm fubar.

Look it up, just like Cpl. Upham did in Saving Private Ryan.

I have my good days, I have my bad days. I had a couple of SUPREME DAYS a while back, and fell backwards 10 steps afterwards, leading up to this blog. It's really aggravating and discouraging when you can feel so good one day, and so poorly the next, and still be considered physically healthy. Physically, yes. Emotionally, oh hell no, and that is 50% of the battle when you try and take on the challenges of life, ladies and gentlemen.

At this moment, I stand 90 minutes away from 6 days of vacation time. I should be esctatic right? Ha. My son is showing signs of his hydrocephalus acting up again, so I'll be spending part of tomorrow in New Hyde Park at our Neurosurgeon waiting for the next shoe to drop. It's really fun when you have time to yourself, and you're staring directly at the possibility of having to endure seeing your son endure another brain surgery. It's not definite, but the chances are definitely there, and its something that gets harder and harder to accept and experience, as he gets older, and can be more expressive as to how much discomfort and pain he is in.

My single goal in life, right now, is to try and simply make the people around me that I care about the most, (my family, and my cyberspace family) as happy as possible, because that, is what has to happen. Why? Simple. The world is so fucked up, and so out of control flooded with negativity that you're gonna get swallowed up by it. There's no question about it. I just read a note on a facebook page that is labelled John Cena. Do I know for sure if its Cena's work or not? Hell no, and frankly, I don't care. The note spoke volumes to me, and told me simply this. The GENERAL public and when I say the GENERAL PUBLIC, I mean every tom, dick, harry, and lucy who has half a brain and can't get out of their own way, not the educated people who have the ability to comprehend things like this blog, and the internet itself, the GENERAL PUBLIC, as a whole, are vicious, condescending, abyssmal, abhorrent, irritating, aggravating, exasperating, and overall, stupid, and overall, just plain rude.

To my friends who read this blog, and support this column, this website, this project, and my work, I say thank you. I'm going to keep trying to write, to do my podcasts, and to be an active participant as much as I possibly can. As much as my emotions will allow me. If the site is dim and not active for a while, please understand. I'm around, I'm always looking, and 9 times out of 10, if you try to find me, you'll find me somewhere.

As for the haters, the naysayers, and the idiots who just can't seem to get it, and you all have no clue who you are, but believe me, my crew, myself, and my friends know who you are, do yourselves and the rest of the world a favor. Get the chip off your damn shoulder. The attitude sucks, and nobody needs or wants to hear it anymore.

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