The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


Circling the Wagons

Couple of things these haters need to know about me.

1. If I was going to sit here and cry myself to sleep about my problems in life, would I do it so publicly to insure I get such violent hate mail from people who don't even have the sense to write a complete sentence?

2. One of your brilliant ideas was "Not everything that happens in your life belongs on the internet." You know what? Good thinking, captain obvious. If I posted every single detail thats happened to me in my years of existence, one, you'd go hiding in the closet from the horror, and two, I'd be bored to tears and dead from the loss of blood to my fingers from typing so much. So spare me the philosophical mumbo jumbo, will ya, I've heard enough of it.

I AM NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND SAY WWE DID THE WRONG THING WHEN THEY DID THE SATURDAY NIGHTS MAIN EVENT THING PAIRING WITH THE CHARITY THEY DID. It's obvious as all hell by the ratings that even pairing with Generation Rescue did zip for the show's viewership, but I digress.

I respect the charities that do the job, and help the people in need. I respect the individuals who have to suffer through these conditions. I respect the right of people who deal with these conditions, and other individuals to attempt to raise awareness and resources that are mandatory to combat these conditions.

What I am SAYING, for the culturally illiterate, is that I would just like to see some more work on the conditions that aren't as publicly hip and now and the "in" charity to market at the time. For every child stricken with autism, there's another one stricken with a different disease that gets half the recognition, or less than a quarter of the support that autism or MS charities get.

I'm not trying to disparage anyone from any money or support or any notoriety that may be out there. I simply am trying to say that the resources need to be spread further along the gamut of diseases that are out there crippling our children.

Oh, and one last thing, have I ever, in this entire piece, brought up my OWN personal plight? I don't think so. Why? Simple. Because I couldn't handle in a million years the discomfort and pain that my youngest son has gone through in eight years of life.

And I would guess not many of you could either.

So, as I respect your abilities to give me your opinions, respect mine to express it as well. Either that, or go find another blogger to hassle.

1 comment:

KING JB said...

couldnt have said it betta myself.