The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


A first for me, I am putting a DVD title on sale...

This was a weird scenario, so hear me out.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a Best Buy near my home, and found a bunch of TNA DVDs on sale. I picked up a few, and brought them home, loving life. They were $5 off, retail of $10.

Of course, in my life, nothing is ever eay. One of the DVDs I bought I had already. So I have a dupe.

I'm going to take a stab and see if anyone is interested in buying this DVD from me.

The DVD in question is 2007's TNA Bound For Glory PPV, featuring Kurt Angle vs. Sting for the World Heavyweight title, Ultimate X with LAX and Triple X, (which is reason enough to buy this thing), and Monster's Ball, which is never a bad day at the office, for the fans.

As I said, I paid $10, so I would ask for $7 in return for this thing, for the simple reason that the copy I am offering has not been removed from the protective wrapping. If it was used, I would definitely not ask for that much. The retail value of this DVD is $15.

I'll pay for shipping on this.

IF BY CHANCE, you want the used copy, which I can tell you from experience, I recently watched the DVD in question, and its working fine, I would ask for $5.

This is the first time I am doing this, I won't lie to you. I would prefer money order. Any other options are negotiable.

The only other demand I will place is this. Shipment will be sent the day of or as soon as I can after I receive payment. I think that's reasonable since I am paying for shipping.

No offense to anyone, but I am just trying to protect my own reputation here. I am staking my rep on the line with this deal, and since I'm not exactly hard to find, that's not something I am going to take lightly.

I'll see if there are any feelers on this. Any more information or questions can be sent to me via email. The link to email me is in the sidebar.


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