The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


Life gives you no room to maneuver, and yet, can be so cruel when it wants to be.

There are times when you expect the inevitable to happen, and it doesn't. You expect the worst, and it doesn't happen. And you wonder why.

I was in that situation today, as I was faced with the distinct proposition of having to endure yet another family emergency.

However, according to my son's doctors, that emergency is not going to happen, yet.

According to man who has enough doctorates to line the wall of his office, yet, doesn't see my son but 30 minutes per appointment, if that, the issues that we've had to try and describe go unanswered.

And with that, the quality of life of my son continues to absolutely suck.

How does a father accept that without having some form of emotion against it?

I would love to know an answer to that question, as I am currently debating this point as I type.

Anyone wanna trade lives?? I sure as hell could use some ordinary time.

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