The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


One long mother blankin' morning.

Every parent's worst nightmare came true for me today. I was sitting outside my home during the 7am hour waiting for my son Jonathan to be picked up to go to school. The buses are late for obvious reasons, the first week of school is always chaotic.

By 7:50am, I was concerned, and called the bus company. They proceeded to tell me they passed my house about 26 minutes eariler.

And they also called my house, and got no answer, so they left.

All this while I was sitting on my front stoop, and my wife was in my home with my eldest son, with completely working telephones.

Mistakes are made, I can relate to that in more ways than one.

Don't f*ckin' lie to me.

And this person is lying to me.

Everything worked out.... for now.

More to come.

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