The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


I found a 90% clean comedian who is funny as hell...

Two words..

Jeff Dunham.

I may be years late on this bus, but damnit, he's funny as hell, and well worth the time and money to get his two DVDs, thus far.. Spark of Insanity and Arguing with Myself are hilarious.......



A - - - - - C - - - - PHLEGM - - - - - SILENCE! I KILL YOU!

- Achmed the Dead Terrorist - "Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity"


Anonymous said...

Oh man I just went to YouTube and looked up Jeff Dunham and you're right! The guy is HILARIOUS! I watched the Achmed the Dead terrorist and One of the ones with Walter which was so funny I was in tears!

Good call Mike!

Anonymous said...

This guy is funny as hell.
His characters are great as well!
Love your opinion for the upcoming WWE Draft