The New Palace Project Shout Out Chat Room


The emails keep coming....

My friend John had a different approach....


This is a very subjective question, some will be able to instantly come up with a name and will be unshakable in their belief that they are right and all others are wrong. Others, like me, will be totally unable to choose just one name and will come up with a list or two with pros and cons for each wrestler. you will also get every shade of fan in between.

All i can say definitely is that each persons view is as equally valid as the next persons, in other words if someone reads my choices and doesn't like them then they can stick it up their ass!

I'm really looking forward to hearing the replies to this.

Here are my choices: (All in no particular order of favouritism, it was difficult enough picking a top 4 for each!)

1) Chris Benoit.
Say what you like about the man, you can't deny that the wrestler gave his all every night and had intense in ring skills. For me the only down side, wrestler-wise, was that he wasn't very good on the mic.

2) Hogan.
Again, say what you want about the man, in his WWE prime his promos were ace, his in-ring style might have been predictable but was fun as hell to watch.

3) The Rock.
One of the best all rounders of the modern era, as awesome on the mic as in the ring, there is nothing else to say.

4) Jeff Hardy.
Great all rounder, took some amazing risks to entertain the fans, and hopefully will again sooner rather than later.

1) The Undertaker.
My all time favourite wrestler. From vintage Taker (easy there Michael Cole!) to the American Bad-ass and semi - back again, he has it all.

2) Shawn Michaels.
Another guy that has it all. Having a great run at the moment with HHH against Legacy, his comedy DX comedy skits have me in stitches.

3) The Miz.
Yet another great mic worker. His in ring work is getting better and better every week. I would choose him over Morrison, Swagger, DiBiase and Rhodes any day of the week.

4) John Cena.
Great to watch, and listen to too when he is aloud to add-lib, he best combination of Hogan superhero and Austin anti-hero. Pity the STF is a load of old crap!

Hope you enjoy and / or agree with at least some of my choices.


John Cooper

John, anyone who takes the time to write me has my respect. Your opinions are very valid. Let's see what else comes in.

-Mobile Post-

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